This is a brilliant hack. Might not be Clark PC friendly?

Taken from Reddit r/antiwork sub:

You haven’t learned the Canada phone cheat code yet? Go through the French option then just start speaking English. 90% of the time the person at the call centre in Quebec is bilingual and will still be able to help you

That’s brilliant. I wonder if the same happens in the US if I pick Spanish option. I would probably route to a Mexican call center where they also speak English.

Yup. Can confirm, it works. :slight_smile: it’s often not even in Mexico, but a bilingual call center employee in the US.

It works for US/Spanish-speaking call centers too. I was having trouble getting help with an issue on Boost. I went into my local store and the women told me to select the Spanish-speaking option and just speak English.

face palm, this is brilliant but sad on so many levels. There are places in LA that if you don’t speak Russian or Spanish, you’re screwed.