To understanding what I’m getting at, check out this piece:
Who’s gonna tell if you don’t do it? I live in NC, we’d laugh our heads off if they tried to pass a law like this!
Georgia signing in here I agree. First thing I do is remove the water restrictors in my shower head, not that I change it that often. I’m buying water. It’s my water. If you want to claim it’s a community resource, throw money in the change jar on my porch.
Keep in mind - California is the model child of progressivism - otherwise known as the rulers know better than you. If you move from California, PLEASE don’t bring the stupid ideas.
I don’t know how anybody can live in California anymore. Everything’s so expensive. I have a few friends here who used to live there. They said there’s no way they could move back now. You need to be a millionaire.
I suspect that it is not legal to sell fixtures that are not low water use, and it may be that if you sell or rent the house, they may have more stringent provisions for enforcing it.
Also, unless you own your own well, the utility companies know how much water you use. California has had water restrictions.
Water is scarce in the west. My city charges increasingly more per gallon once you reach certain thresholds…and the increases are hefty.
I lived in Arizona back in the 80s. We call it desert. By definition, water is scarce. California is stuck on stupid. Guess where all those California avocados come from now? Mexico. This is government at work. Even idiots can be elected.
Exactly true
Should a California homeowner worry THAT much about having outdated plumbing fixtures?
A California homeowner should worry period.
Unless there is a Water Police Force that will come and get you. That may sound odd, but we’ve had the Truth Police recently, and the Covid Police and now 80k new Tax Police. It’s not that far-Fetched! Especially, in CA. I imagine the only place it could become an issue is in buying and selling your homes. Some states, like CA are doing Retroactive building inspections on properties that didn’t get proper permits one work to your house. It’s gotten bad in some places. I’m in GA also and when I sold my house 10 years ago we had buyers asking about permitted work. I did a lot to that house, and much of it myself and added a room over the garage. I had competent contractors do most of the work, but no Permits that I know of. Since then I got permits even when I did the work. It’s coming!
Rather than trying to micro-manage people, they should raise prices on consumption in a logrithmic way (small increases for low users an dhighe rates as consumption rises). Although the State may believe that certain items in a home might be higher usage, let the homeowner decide what they can live with or not in the way of changes.
An example here at my location, the EPA has mandated us to change from cesspools to septic tanks. I daresay that the majority of people here cannot pay $20,000 or more to switch, no matter how far away the compliance date it. Besides there are not enough companys nor employees or equipment to meet the dates. Thus they are going to have to highlight the worse offenders (restaurants, hotels, etc) before residents.
So sweeping changes like everyone has to replace this or that is not the best way to attack any problem.
but they keep electing the same idiots…
Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode about the “low flow shower heads” that were going to be required in NY City. Then Kramer found a black market for old full flow shower heads!
meanwhile LA burns to the ground. all you need to know