Just a thought re: responses

I’ve been fortunate to receive some good feed back on questions I asked. I always try to respond and say thank you.

I’ve also responded to questions with what I believe is generally good feedback. I try to follow “if you don’t know, don’t give advice.”

Although no thank you should be expected, just curious why some people don’t follow up with a simple thank you.

Thank you.

No response is necessary to this post (lol).

I have been involved with forums and email groups since the 90’s. One problem I have seen is that someone will post an informative message and then get lots of “thanks” from a lot of people. Certain forums then will notify everyone that there is a new message, they visit and see new “thanks” messages.

It reminds me of when our big computer company started email service. Someone would receive a message and REPLY ALL by mistake. Each of the people on that distribution list wanted to tell the person that they accidently included them in the reply but in fact replied to all also. The email storm could clog up the servers for quite a while.

Personally, I assume that at least someone will find what I post as useful and only look for the “You have no idea what you are talking about” messages or worse “Your Mother wears combat boots” (an old style snub before women joined the military).


Thank you for your reasoned response and the overkill “reply to all” scenario I’ve experienced a few times but not recently.

Maybe it is like giving a treat to a dog after a trick, but I still think a simple acknowledgement by posters is not an unreasonable expectation. Also blame my mother for always saying “say thank you.”

I believe you live in Hawaii - why don’t you invite your favorite posters to Hawaii for a seminar on posting manners. (My attempt at humor).

BTW, I do think your responses are ones that I tend to read for being insightful/helpful.

Have a great new year to ALL.

BTW2, no need to respond - lol