Credit Application Rejection

Hi there.

I had a credit card with a major home improvement store and went to use it yesterday to buy a dishwasher but realized that it was closed last June, I think because of lack of use, however I was never late and my FICO score is 830.

It’s weird but I was also rejected for another credit card earlier this year by the same finance company, Synchrony Bank, but I attributed this to being on a private VPN at the time of the application and now am wondering, why the rejection?

I also applied with Synchrony 2 years ago for a 12 months same as cash line of credit for a hot water heater and paid it off early.

Again I have 0 late payments and I pay off all of my balances every month so I can’t figure out what the problem is and cannot seem to get anyone at Synchrony to tell me either.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

Do you have a credit freeze on any of the 3 credit reporting agencies? That would cause a rejection.

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Just checked all three agencies.
No freezes.

Probably as you said, lack of use.

Right however as I said in my first post, when I re-applied, I was declined, with a FICO of 830 and was also denied by Synchrony in Feb of this year.

Also, I checked my credit report and there are 0 hard inquiries this year.


I believe Clark mentioned sometime in the not too distant past that Synchrony has become more concerned about its exposure and has been shutting cards down - often without warning. Likely they aren’t very enthused about multiple cards either?

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