Clark website download link not working

We’ve discussed the Clark podcast before how each of us listen to it.

I’m old fashioned and just go to his website and download the MP3 files to listen later. Worked for me for years. All of a sudden the links don’t work. Click and nothing happens. I do use Firefox but I also tried on Chrome and Edge. No go.

I have a few other podcasts I listen to and they download just fine. Anybody have any ideas?

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Just tested on the the most recent two podcasts and they downloaded fine in MP3 format using the “Download .mp3” button. It shoudn’t matter but I am using the Brave browser…

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I just downloaded it on Edge, and it downloaded just fine. I will check with other Team Clark members & browsers to see if there are any problems. We will also do a check on the back end to be sure there are no glitches.

Meanwhile, try shutting down your device (sure you already did this) and make sure your browsers are updated. :green_heart:

Here’s an alternate way to download episodes, if you have downloading issues in the future. Go to Clark Howard Podcast, click “Audacy” or Podbean" (under Clark’s picture).

I like to have a copy of the podcasts so I download using GPODDER. With the correct URL loaded, I just start the program and it downloads all the recent podcasts I don’t yet have.

Thanks guys!