Podcast doesn’t play

Any ideas? My other podcast play on Amazon Music but Clark does not. I’m already having withdrawal not listening to Clark 5 days a week, now not at all?

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Sorry, we’re not on Amazon Music. You can find The Clark Howard Podcast on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, iHeartRadio, RSS, and clark.com/podcasts. Hope you’re able to listen via one of these podcast providers! :green_heart:

I highly recommend Pocket Casts and have been using it since Google Podcasts was sunset.

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I have used pocket cast with both my Iphone and Android and it works fine for me.

I’m really old fashioned. I go to Clarks website and download the MP3’s. I put them on an old cell phone, plug it into the AUX in my car and listen!

At one time maybe around the year 2000 I would do line in recordings with a am radio input to my desktop computer to create my own mp3 of Clark. I’m so thankful how much easier it is to get podcasts now a days.

CORRECTION: We are on Amazon Music and have tested it out to be sure it’s playing! Here’s the link: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/648d9756-fdd9-454e-97a1-933b5e519a76/the-clark-howard-podcast