What’s the Best Way To Cut the Cord?

Raspitinll: you are so lucky you can get google Fiber. I pay google for no ads on you tube, i pay for netflix and i am a amazon prime member so I can watch free movies, shows on the web site but i mostly watch documentaries, and true crime. but i make sure my amazon membership pays for the cost of being a member by all the free shipping I get. but i am jealous you get to have goggle fiber optics

As Clark recommended, I’m all in for Pluto TV. Great selection of drama, good movies, music, and documentaries, I just ended my $65/mo sub to DirecTV Stream where not much was interesting at all (actually mostly mindless junk) and just as many ads!

Also with an attic antenna, huge number of local channels (Chicago) especially PBS. By the way, PBS is also available to stream for free with the PBS app. And some free international news apps such as BBC, NHK (Japan), DW (Germany), and France 24.

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The free services are great. That being said, if you’re looking for an inexpensive way to get live cable news, Max now has live CNN news. So besides Max giving you content from HBO, TCM, Discovery, Adult Swim, ID, OWN, TLC, Food Network, HGTV, Travel Channel, etc., it now gives you live CNN content as well for only $10/month. Pretty decent deal overall.

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Thanks for the tip on MAX. I get MAX bundled with ATT internet and really had no idea there was so much there, esp since my TV is mainly nocturnal.

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You might also look at the ROKU channel which is similar to Pluto.TV, the TCL channel and others which look like cable provider menus (meaning multiple channels in their lineup).

Some programs are streamed while some may also be able to be restarted or paused.

I found that dailymotion.com has a lot of hard-to-find international content. The ads are frequent but only last from 15 seconds to one minute. We like stuff like Australian & S. African Survivor and occasionally foreign news sources.

It can be a tad quirky but once you get used to all the little foibles it can be a reasonable free source of enjoyable content.