I’m trying to reorder reading glasses from Amazon. Despite the fact I’ve ordered them three times previously from the same seller, I get this message when I try to check out. Amazon just keeps reading the phone script.
This item cannot be shipped to your selected delivery location. Please choose a different delivery location.
Have you sent the seller a message through Amazon about the issue?
Welcome to my world! I often have issues with shippers. Here are a few cases:
Some shippers only want a verified address. So if the address is not the same as the one they have on file, it won’t ship.
I have both a P.O. Box and a physical address. I cannot get packages to the physical address where the mailbox is, unless they fit inside the box. The Post Office will not deliver down our road because it is a private road.
UPS and Fedex CAN and DO deliver down our private road, but they leave the packages at the top of the driveway where the road meets the driveway. That is because there is a 4-wheel drive needed and even if they can do 4-wheel drive, they have "miles to go before they sleep (Stopping By The Woods On A Snowy Evening - Robert Frost).
Many companys lock themselves into one shipper (like UPS) and that may require a physical address rather than a PO Box. The cost for shipping may be reasonable on the mainland but for us, not so much so. I have tried to order a small disk drive which might cost $60 and they want to tack on $50 shipping through some package delivery service. The USPS at the time would have cost under $20. Sometimes I have had to call the seller and had them ship via USPS by actually going to the P.O… Other times I have given them a FedEx shipping number to charge shipping, because MY FedEx charge is a lot less than they are charged (it’s a long story).
Some items have restrictions. My Sister ordered a Lithium Battery on Ebay and they charged us $85 and the battery was delivered to our P.O. Box by USPS. When we ordered a different battery, they sent it FedEx, it went to a couple of locations before it was returned to the shipper. It appears they decided that they could not ship the Lithium battery. Perhaps the shipping option chosen was not appropriate, I don’t know.
Sodastream has compressed CO2 in bottles which cannot be shipped by plane. To Hawaii they come by ship, which can add a week or two extra time. Ships fill a container and if a container is not full, it waits for the next ship, which may be a week later.
Lithium batteries shipped via air cannot be loaded on a commercial flight and must be on a freight flight.
There are extreme conditions to ship a dog from most of the world to Hawaii because we don’t have rabies. Yet Australia can just place a dog on a flight with little to no issues. That is because Australia has stricter rabies control than Hawaii, so we trust them.
Shipping unroasted coffee beans and all plants MUST be fumigated before shipment to Hawaii. We have very strict animal and plant protections as we have more endangered plants and animals them most everywhere else in the world. California also has some strict conditions.I even remember driving from Vegas into California and stopping at an Agricultural checkpoint where they asked what fruits and so on you might have.
10 Speaking of oddities, want to ship playing cards to Germany? They MUST be a full deak and unopened!
It is not unusual to see someone at the Post Office with a box of live chicks or boxes of live bees being shipped to the mainland or elsewhere in the world. (You don’t expect either of those to fly on their own do you?) They must be in boxes because they cannot carry a shipping label in teir beaks or on themselves.
It is possible to place a mailing label on a coconut and mail it by the Post Office. (USPS: Coconuts can be mailed without a box. Simply address the coconut and add your return addresses on the husk, have it weighed for appropriate postage, and it is shipped as-is.)
My street address has a hypen in the number, ie 75-1234 Main Street. Some software eliminates the hyphen and special characters, some sites rewrite the address and give you the new version. Some sites want the hyphen, some don’t. Your seller may have switched (or updated) their software or changed to whether, for example, they want to mail to PO Boxes. Or they may have changed shippers whose requirements differ than the previous company. Just because you have ordered in the past and nothing has changed on your end. the shipper or seller may have changed procedures.
So, call the seller and see what they say.
(Posting edited to correct massive spelling issues. Hey, I’m old and hunt and peck at the keyboard)
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Did this solve your problem?
Feb 18, 2024 2:35 PM
This doesn’t answer my ques-
There are reading glasses, which I’ve ordered, and received at the same address three times before.