While trying to log in to mysocial today, the site seemed to plod along at an unbelievably slow pace. I was never able to get to a page that would give me the information I needed. Has anyone else had this problem? I hope the change in administration is not part of the problem.
There can be many reasons that a particular site could be slow. There can be server issues, network congestion within the data center, congestion or outage between the site and yourself, etc.
While it may seem as though you have a direct striaght line between you and the site, your data could be split up and parts sent over various links to be reassembled at a node closer to the server.
Many sites (I don’t know about SS) use Cloudflare as a front end to their site. Personally I do too. Cloudflare works to mitigate DNS or server attacks meant to take sites down.
When I cannot get to a site, I use a traceroute to see if there is re-routing happening or there is break in the connecting route.
A Non-Techinical way to test is to go to a site like the following and enter SSA.GOV
The latter shows a slowness chart.
So you are hoping the new administration didn’t start throttling your connection to the SSA website ? I think you can safely assume that is not the problem. Turn of MSNBC…
I’m thinking everyone was trying to access it today to see if social security was going to be caught in the federal freeze announced last night.