I recently purchased granite countertops for my kitchen from a well-known home improvement retailer I’ll call XYX Store. The total for the project was between 7,000 and 8,000 dollars. I signed a contract with XYZ that I would forgo the right to a jury trial or class action suit and agree to resolve any claims by binding arbitration or small claims court if we are unable to settle them ourselves. I also agreed to report any warranty issues connected with the project in any way within 30 days. Several days after the installation was complete, I noticed that there were cracks appearing in a cabinet the countertops were installed on that were not there before (I have before and after project pictures supporting this). I notified XYZ and they referred me to XYZ-2, a company that they had subcontracted with to handle the customer service aspect of this project. XYZ-2 dispatched the installer team to my house who promptly reported that it was caused by a water leak not the cabinet installation. I fully expected them to excuse themselves from blame, but I am not sure I am buying the water damage explanation as I would have expected the damage to be inside the cabinet under the sink instead of outside if it were water related. I suggested that maybe the cracks were caused by the weight of the counter tops but they insist not. The pictures I took confirm that the cracks didn’t start to show for several days.
So, my questions are:
1. Would the damage to the cabinets be covered by the XYZ warranty since they did not install cabinets, only countertops or would it require separate legal action for damages caused to my property.
2. Should I resolve this via arbitration or small claims court.
3. Should II get an attorney.