Hey Clark, one way to fix the ever increasing tuition costs is to allow college loans to be discharged in bankruptcy again. Guarantee the banks won’t so generous in handing out money.
Guarantee the banks won’t be so generous in handing out money.
Think what young people could accomplish getting back 4 years wasted on the useless skills colleges peddle today, along with saving all that money they borrowed to become debt slaves for life.
It extends into graduate school… many Master’s programs peddle worthless degrees, because that’s where the revenue is.
I went back at age 60 and got a tech certificate from my local community college (about like an Associate’s Degree), and I thought the money was very well spent. I learned how to map using a drone, which was awesome (it was Geographical Information Systems). And my employer reimbursed me, so it was free-to-me, and I use the skills on the job.
Fixing high tuition
Who is backing student loans in case of default? Therein lies your answer to a fix.
You’d think some of the multi-billionaires would figure out a way to disrupt high cost college tuition. I think outside of the library and lab facilities, the majority of the college physical infrastructure to me was aesthetics…
Living facilities and amenities have gotten downright luxurious/resort-like compared to 50 years ago.