Fast Food Drinks?

Does Coke vs Pepsi influenced your fast food choice?
If the Fast Food Restaurant does not serve your preferred Cola, are you more likely to switch to Lemonade, Ice Tea or even water?

Since Costco went to Pepsi, I still want those $1.50 Dogs but not the Pepsi so much. I find myself going to McDonalds even though there are better Burgers… but the Coke Refills are a grabber.

Wife will not eat at a restaurant that doesn’t serve Coke.

Have you tried the Culvers on GA92… Good Burgers, and Onion Rings but the Drink Selection … Meh!!!

There is one at Hickory Flat. We rarely go simply because because they serve Pepsi.

I’m a big fan of Mt Dew and Pepsi over Coke. I realize a lot of people on here are Atlanta based so there is a bias toward Coke. I stopped going to Subway when they switched from Pepsi to Coke. Super glad Costco switched to Pepsi a couple years ago.

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Coke is now at $4 a Gallon.

About a month ago, Kroger had a sale… 24 cans of coke $5.
Yesterday those 24 cans were $9.00.

Inflation is real!

I mostly dislike sweet drinks, and I am picky about iced tea (no artificial additives or any sweeteners) and water (filtered if tap or spring if bottled). If they have it, I’ll drink plain soda water. There are a couple of places that have nothing I will drink, so I get the food to go.


I would say it does not affect as we don’t eat out much, maybe once a week, and when we do we normally order water. I have a crazy sister who must have colored water to the tune of $3 or $4 or $5 each time. It is called unsweetened tea.

Sugared sodas are really bad for you; Dr Pepper was late wife’s choice – it fueled her diabetes that ultimately was her demise. Artificial sweetenered sodas are even worse!

Now if I get a choice I will take water with gas. Jersey Mike’s often has it and Costco does at the hot dog stand. Barring that if it is free, sometimes I will use a dab of lemonade and fill with unsweetened tea.

No. Since my supermarket purchases are based upon unit pricing, most soda is the cheapest brand.

As for fast food, I often gravitate towards McDonalds because I can get BOGO sandwich with a $1 drink.

Costs out here are higher than other places, so saving money is paramount.

I wonder if diet sodas lead to dementia.

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I’ll take either one. I just ask for whatever cola they have. Not diet, please.

I was never a big soda drinker, but years ago I bought a Soda Stream. I figured for the few times I want soda, I can make it. Otherwise, soda I purchase goes flat before I drink it all!

Oddly enough, I began to lose my taste for soda, and now I use the Soda Stream for making seltzer water! And at restaurants I get seltzer instead of flavored soda.
Works for me!

Here in the lava state, we had issues because SodaStream shipments of canisters for refilling had all sorts of issues. They had restrictions on shippoing and I think they had to come by boat instead of air.

I bought an adapter on Ebay so the bottles (with their odd thread size) could be filled by Sports Authority the same as a paintball cylinder would be. Then Sports Authority shut down here.

I found it was a bit more expensive, but I could buy seltzer water in cans or a bottle and make soda by just pouring in some syrup. With a supply of individual cans and various flavors I could make a can of soda on demand.

By the way, my secret pork barbque marinade is made with local honey and some root beer syrup and a bit of spices. You can also use cola flavor but I prefer any of the syrups with actual sugar. It is not like I need diet ribs!

I was obsessed with fast food for a long time. But then I was diagnosed with diabetes and had to follow the strict diet. Now I still had to take a lot of meds to maintain my health condition, such as buy ozempic online to lower my blood sugar, but my doctor allowed to change a diet a little bit. So, i can eat and drink some junk food now.

Only cola and only without sugar

I used to drink cola or lemon fanta, but I noticed that I could often go to the toilet from it. Then I read an article about the fact that this is really one of the drinks that can do this because of the high concentration of acids and sugar. Now I drink only water

Some of the fast food here in our place serves Ice tea, and I really don’t like ice tea. So I really prefer coke or sprite.

I worked graveyard shift for seven years in my twenties. I did not drink coffee at the time, so got caffeine from coke. I shudder to think how much I drank.

This site confuses me at times. The 'Latest" page shows a reply to this thread 38min ago, but here it shows Apr 14. ???

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I used to love Burger King for their A&W root beer when I was younger, but I rarely drink soda anymore because I’m cutting down on sweets. So, when I go to Costco or the fast food restaurants, I order water instead.

I dislike sweet drinks, so anything other than sodawater (as far as carbonated drinks go) doesn’t appeal.

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