Zelle Being Sued

Im sure Clark will be talking about this soon. I’m surprised it took this long…

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I use Zelle regularly, and I don’t see the issue really. If you don’t know who you are paying, then don’t pay them. It’s like cash - if you throw cash out onto the sidewalk carelessly in downtown NYC or Chicago, don’t expect to get it back.

“That said, Seiberg noted, banks may have a strong defense “as much of the fight is over authorized transactions that prove fraudulent. It is hard for us to see a court demanding banks stop transactions that consumers want to make.””

I hope this gets thrown out. Zelle is like cash. If you get ripped off Zelle isn’t getting your money back for you.

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Zelle is like cash… but it doesn’t have to be. There are any number of things Zelle could have done to help prevent fraud. Could they eliminate it? No but it certainly could be better.

It was very clearly rushed out when it was released. One example… At that time, my bank did not have Zelle so I had to sign up for an account directly with the company that operates Zelle. A few years later, my bank added Zelle so I closed and deleted the other account which it claimed would immediately free up my email to register with my bank… it didn’t - it took another couple of years before my email address was freed up.

I’m not a fan of any of the “cash” payment apps.

A lot of you guys assume it’s because the bank account holder who uses Zelle to a scammer and gets ripped off. What Clark is saying is somebody else somehow uses Your Zelle to steal money from you and you had nothing to do with it. Clark says Zelle is too embedded into your checking account. The other cash apps are just “attached” to your accounts which (I guess) makes them safer.

What can you do with Zelle that you can’t do with your credit union or bank’s bill pay or one-time push from your checking account?

I have used Zelle for years with no problems, but I only use it for immediate family. I never use it for outside parties.

I use Zelle to pay family, friends and contractors. No matter who it is, I always do a test payment of $0.01. then I ask them if they received it. If they confirm they received the money, then I send them the entire amount. I’ve never had any problems using Zelle.

If you want to use other service , Do a test payment. It’s very easy And cheap. Zelle transactions are Free.