And I mean both federal and state. With no hidden income limits. Last year, I used cash app, but that crew is really screwed up this year. I really resent tying my phone to my tax return - it’s just weird like a proctological exam.
I moved to Cash App Taxes a few years ago when TurboTax stopped being free through Credit Karma. It works great, I have had 0 problems. Some years, my taxes were not that simple, and it had the functionality to handle them. It is odd how you log in with your phone number; however, the functionality is top notch and free, so it’s well worth it to me. I submitted my 2024 on Friday. Why issues have you had with Cash App Taxes?
I’ve been using OLT (Online Taxes) for a few years. For me free Fed and State. They seem just as good as Turbo Tax and TaxAct, both of which I’ve used in the past.
Next year, I might be able to use something like this. I always hit the income limit. My returns are relatively simple (approaching the 3x5 card) so paying for this gives me indigestion. I mean, “free” federal then $24.95 state? I’d rather print and mail it.
I used CashApp last year, and it went well. Moved to them since Karma divested themselves of the tax business. I just don’t like having to use my phone for EVERYTHING. I can do it, but it irritates me (admission of guilt).
For CashApp, I’m stuck in the loop between the application that tracks your finances and the tax part. Site will tell me to change my passowrd for the tax part, then I cannot login to the app part.
I change the app part, and I cannot login to the tax part. Vicious little loop.
I’ll take another look at it this week.
Doesn’t your state have a free file site? I do my state taxes in Turbo Tax, print it out and go to our state run site. I input the info using the turbo tax print out as the guide and hit submit. I’ve just assumed, apparently incorrectly, that all states provide free filling.
“The Georgia Department of Revenue is working with software vendors to offer free electronic filing services to qualified Georgia taxpayers.”
note the word qualified. I appreciate your update. The fact is these companies will offer “free” until you get to the end and they say - opps you made too much, you owe us $xxxxx to file for you.
The states are a complete CF and the IRS is a CF squared. I’ll dig in to cash app and report back.
I don’t use my phone for anything financial. Or even email. I use my desktop at home (with a 27inch screen) for important stuff. My phone for talking/ texting and crazy birds!
I used Tax Slayer but for it to be free you have to access it from the IRS site. I can do my state (Kansas) taxes online on the Kansas Department of Revenue site, but my taxes are quite simple so there is no need for specific guidance.
This list might not be completely up to date, and it is a cash app site, but die address state filing for each state. The difference in whether you are going to have to pay appears to be between states where you file directly with the state taxation dept vs where you don’t. Our state is free for all personal tax filing. And, as previously stated, Georgia not so much.
I’ve been using OLT for a few years. Up until this year they charged for state taxes but it was free this year.
Used Cash App Taxes for the 2nd year in a row for my kids returns and it works great.
I had never heard of Cash APP until seeing it repeatedly cited in these posts. I used FreeTaxUSA the last two years after becoming disenchanted with the way TurboTax screws things up. They have you thinking you need to abandon the free version and pay for help. I tried using the IRS Direct File this year but they aren’t quite up to speed yet and not able to accept 1099 income from 401K.
Here’s a question. I just finished using OLT to file both Fed and State. I owe a little bit to both. Can I wait to just before April 15th to pay them? I think the answer is yes but I want to be sure.
No issue. Honestly, I’ve owed them thousands before, no big deal. The real issue is consistently under-witholding. If you are 1k or less, no big deal.
Thanks Charlie!
I also use FreeTaxUSA, for my daughter because she was not 18 when she first filed taxes, and Cash App requires you to be 18+. So I just kept using it for her. So I do 2 returns w/ Cash App and 1 w/ FreeTaxUSA. Both work great. Cash App support was very responsive years when my taxes were more complicate, and they provided links to forms/functionality that was apparently was not accessible through the normal interface. No reason for anyone to pay anything to file taxes.
Well, worked through all the hoop jumping nonsense and cashapp it is. I just refuse to pay for electronic submission of taxes. I’ll print it out and send it in for $% certified before I pay some yahoos north of $25 to do it for me.
I guess convenience sells.
Yes, you can wait to pay them. There is no interest accrued as long as you pay before deadline.