Please comment on your tv antenna experience. Looking to cut the streaming service. emphasized text
I made a rectangular loop antenna, maybe 12 -18 inches on a side out of old speaker wire and taped it to cardboard. It wasn’t enough, so I added an amp, and it works great. It’s all hidden in the attic. You could probably apply the amp to old rabbit ears, too.
If you don’ have antenna cable to each place you want to view TV in your house, or if you want to watch OTA TV programming on your tablets, phones, smart TVs and anything that connect to your WI-FI, there’s a little gadget that connects to your antenna and also to you WI-FI and/or wired L AN and sends the signal to all those devices.
Here’s a site where you can find out what the kind of antenna will work where you live:
According to my county tax map, I live on Rural Property. My neighbor to the north has a chicken house and my neighbor to the south has a double wide, mobile home. Just a little background to justify my directional antenna that was mounded on a utility pole in the backyard. It was sold by Radio Shack and had an amplifier on the mast and one in the house. I received the major networks and their side channels from 40 to 50 miles away…until the lightning strike.
I picked up an indoor/outdoor antenna from Goodwill and mounted it on a tripod in the junk room…uh, office. My computer monitor has a TV tuner builtin and I can get NBC. Back in the TV room, I stream with a ROKU TV and I have a computer attached to it for Puffer.
With the Goodwill antenna, the ROKU TV, and Puffer on the computer, I get everything I want to see. I’m in an Eastern State, so scheduling shows on Puffer, playing on the West Coast, is a little difficult. That is OK because I am retired and I lot of free time.
Anyway, that stuff in the TV and antenna manual about using a lightning arrester on you outdoor antenna…do it.
First, I highly recommend following @antennaman on YouTube. I had an excellent antenna that was usually able to pick the broadcast stations 50 and 60 miles away but it was hit and miss because they were a bit spread out. I had to find a good halfway mark between them to point the antenna. I live in a windy area so I had to climb up and adjust it frequently when it would drop a channel. On the Antenna Man’s recommendation, I picked up the one below from Walmart in April and haven’t needed to move it since.
This is Antenna Man’s channel on YouTube
There is a useful site on the internet by the Antenna Guy or something like that. Has a broadcast diagram of the US and makes recommendations and sells antennas. Very useful.
I get 31 stations with my outdoor antenna on the South of Atlanta.