Is there a travel chat room?

I am looking for a chat room that discusses airline travel issues and questions.
I do not fly much. I had a simple question about baggage fees and was looking for an answer.
Contacting airline is 2 hour wait, at least. Using AI chat, I am returned the whole rule book thrown at me and am expected to find the info I need on my own.


Added: I noticed in your post that you wanted to inquire about baggage fees.

Many seasoned travelers laern pretty quickly to travel with a carry-on bag only, no checked bags.

With a little experience you should be able to get everything you need, for even extended trips, into a 15-lb international carryon bag. Even for trips well over 30 days.

I highly recommend FLYERTALK.COM.

Flyertalk is a website forum where people discuss locations, airlines, problems and suggestions. I have personally been a member for decades although not traveling much currently.

One main suggestion before posting a question is to search and read first as the subject has probably already been discussed.

Lets say you have a branded credit card or accumulate points for an airline. You will find how best to take advantage of them. If you think that an airline should have treated you differently, others can evaluate and make suggestions how to address the problem with officials.

Checking on a location will give you good suggestion as to what to do, how to do it and what to avoid.

hanks, what a great chat room