Has anyone ordered from Lightbulbs.com?

I order our stuff at work, the bulk of it anyway so it’s a non-stop stream of randomness brought to me all the time. Well this big box with a name on it that is not an employee of ours shows up, followed the next day by another. Thinking “brushing scam” i start to dig around, call the only other place on our street and they don’t have an employee by that name either. I have gotten enough things for the neighbor that we have numbers directly into their people, so I’m confident that they’re correct and just aren’t sure who works there.
So finally I give up, and send an email to the customer “service”. after the weekend, they respond. The give me the name and email of the guy that ordered them, or so they claim. They can send me instructions for return!
The return shipping is on me. There is a 15% restocking fee, to who? I have no clue, I didn’t order or pay for them.
So, I guess I’m going to email this guy since their customer service handed it to me and see if he did order these, and see if he would like to set up a way to get them from me. I’m in a small area, we generally can ask 10 people and we’ll find someone who knows you, and NOBODY knows this name.
Has anyone else ordered from this Lightbulbs.com ?? They have a very high trust advisor score, so they do seem legit but this is very odd.

Okay so I finally got a reply from someone at lightbulbs.com who gave me the name of the person who “ordered” these and the email address of that person. The website with the same domain is down, not renewed. google says it’s a furniture store in California. I’m in Iowa. Lightbulbs.com is in Minnesota. The “customer rep” said if I can get them to the correct person great, or I can mail them back on my dime. Riiiiiiight, not going to happen.
If anyone has ever seen Gregory Pemberton Designs, I have his lightbulbs. allegedly.