Given that Elon is now in the US Treasury IT infrastructure, I’m going to get fresh copies of my I-BOND values at TreasuryDirect, and also my and my wife’s Social Security statement, before they get stepped-on (accidentally or otherwise). Nothing more dangerous than having someone poke around in a live, production IT environment.
I know a guy who accidentally deleted off four years of downhole log information at an oil company. ooops.
I-BONDS at Treasury direct don’t really have a formal statement (a bad thing), but you print off the browser pages.
Many claims have been made which have later been found to be untrue.
I will lower the price of groceries
Morphed into
There will be some pain
No more foreign wars
Morphed into
We will annex Gaza
(Any American who tries to live in Gaza has a big target on their back. That’s a super bad idea)
So this read-only assertion i don’t trust.
Anyway he’s reading then impounding. Impoundment isn’t legal. Congress controls the power of the purse according to the Constitution. The Executive is required to execute.
A few thoughts based upon my experience (and I have had lots of experiences in my long life).
I was an I.T. Engineer and I made a large mistake because I wasn’t thinking. I was backing up a mainframe computer and was tired. Two similar words were at my commane, STORE and RESTORE. Both useful but hardly interchangeable. After accidently overwriting data with days old data, I have to call in my family and friends to help type data from computer printouts. I even had my Mom typing. She said she didn’t understand computers, I just said you were a Secretary. Just type what you see on this paper. We finally recovered all but a few hours of work from the actual programmers.
Second case. Ever notice why Microsoft computers kept haveing all sorts of Blue Screens? Most I saw involved ‘BOUNDS VIOLATIONS’. The easiest way to explain that is that data is often kept on a variable or array. Imagine an egg carton that holds 12 eggs. All of a sudden the person filling the carton or removing eggs from the carton is told to get the egg from position 13. That is the problem and continues to be a problem if you are not checking to ensure you never walk off the end of the carton. In my opinion Microsoft hired kids right out of college (they are cheaper that way) and they had no real world experience.
I was helping at a college radio station and a guy came in for a job, not realiving I guess that college stations don’t pay anyone. Still, he had a 1st Class FCC license because he had passed the written test. I asked him to get me the osilloscope (those tv-looking things with squiggly lines that display voltage, current, frequency and so on). He had no idea what that until I explained it to him as I just did here. This is like a car mechanic not knowing when you ask him to bring you a screwdriver. He had passed the test and had knowledge, just not the experience.
So bringing in college kids to a financial system which is live and letting them poke around is a disaster in the making. By the way, I have a sneaky suspician these system are running COBOL which is not the latest in programming languages. I once worked with a kid who wrote and 10 line IF statement preceeding it with a NOT. Any programemrs out there will see the dander of not understanding how to code or document things.
I am wondering how long it will be for a major lawsuit against a few kids who were left to run wild in the candy store, as it were. These are kids who probably could not even use a rotary phone (the equivalent to COBOL programming)