Credit Card Cancelled or Not

Just learned this one today. If you need to replace your credit card because you lost it or it was stolen my bank USAA does one of two things they either “close it out” or they update it via the “Visa Account Updater”. If closed out then you will have to give the gym, Netflix, or whomever your new card. If you say misplace the card the bank with use Visa Account Updater and everyone gets you new billing information. I would prefer the close out because it would also get rid of those auto renewals I forget about or the subscriptions I forgot about as well.

Which is why I use a one-time–CCN for subscriptions. It’s good one time only, and cannot be used for auto renew.

A couple of years ago I realized that one copy of my Costco credit card was misplaced. Since I had a duplicate I used that and I am starting to misplace things. It was COVID time. Then one day I decided to go get Chinese food at the local restaurant carry out. I offered my card and the woman rand it up. She held my card and said “Is this your card?” which I thought was odd because I just handed it to her and my photo is on the back. However, it was my older card that it appears I left there at least 6 months earlier. I left with both my cards. Of course I leave them tips there, even for carry out.