Need Podcast suggestions from the community.
Freakonomics, Honestly, Tangle News, Planet Money, Lost Debate, Left Right and Center, and The Economics of Everyday Things.
I try to listen daily to “Marketplace” on Public Radio as it is a recap of the financial markets and interesting tidbits. Ask your smart speaker to play the latest episode".
Not really parallel but try Radical Personal Finance and/or The Retirement and IRA Show.
Charles Schwab Podcasts (several to choose from)
Thoughtful Money by Adam Taggart
The Meb Faber Show
Macro Voices by Erik Townsend
Superinvestors & The Art of Worldly Wisdom by Jesse Felder
The Money Guy Show
The Ramsey Show.
That is, If you you can handle his “it’s my or the highway” and “I’m always right” attitude and trust that his pay for play sponsors and recommended “experts” are what he says they are.
I know from first-hand experience that his “recommended expert” local area real estate agents are chosen based on something other than actual performance and peer recognition of excellence in their profession.
I was answering the question for another podcast for Thursday. I don’t disagree regarding his real estate agents but let’s don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater. His plan works and I do know that firsthand. I also like Clark practical tips on smaller things where the Ramsey is more big picture. It’s up to you how hardcore you want to be on his highway method. We’re all adults, right?
Since we’re all adults here, I’ll say it like it is, David Ramsey is a conceited jerk.
We can find the same on any forum including here from some long time posters.
The difference is that Dave Ramsey is a professional radio host broadcasting over 600 radio stations. His income is based on his sponsors and people paying him to be his " recommended experts."
Maybe too much philosophy in this response:
I don’t ever believe paid endorsements or advertisements. Actually I am suspect of all information (especially from government or institutions) until I can verify it from other more “independent” sources , if I can find them, even more sources if it’s something I’m going to act on.
I “tend” to believe “Meta Studies” more than individual studies taking into account who is funding them and what is the current popular narrative that may have influenced them.
All information (studies statistics opinions) can be manipulated, coverage can be slanted one direction or another to support a narrative. Just check out the website “All Sides” which cites news sources from the “Left, Right and Center” citing the various news sources reporting on a particular subject and their Headlines.
Clark is right ALMOST all of the time, but not all the time. Dave is right on a lot of basic principles and gives some good basic advice but is in it for himself. Clark isn’t. And I’m very thankful for him , BUT , I don’t believe or act on his advertisers either. He has often stated he has little control of the advertising on his show. He’s not endorsing them as Dave is.
I agree, almost 100%.
The acid test for many situations is exposure to the law of large numbers.
I think of Ramsey as the Narcan of financial advice. Its for people that don’t have a clue, are deliberately irresponsible, or have arrived at a situation so devoid of basic common sense and decision making. Unfortunately…there are plenty of those people.
Dave Ramsey was born into a privileged family, had $4M in assets in 1986, declared bankruptcy in 1988 and became a financial advisor that same year. In 1992 he self-published a book and co-hosted a local financial advice radio show which morphed into the The Dave Ramsey Show and he’s been hawking free advice and pay-for-play Ramsey-vouched-for recommendations ever since.
What a great country. He had the freedom to do all that.
Privileged is subjective.
Because I have never been forced to use his books, methods or watch his shows I have chosen not to participate. This also allows me to remain non-envious of what some may deem as his unearned success or the need to warn others of the boogeyman I see around the corner.
Like they say, “ignorance is bliss.”
H200 has a long-history of wealth envy…
and Butler has a long history of interpreting innocent comments to feed his assumptive imagination.