Clark mentioned teaser cell phone service but i cant find it anywhere

Teaser cell phone service was mentioned bt clark on a podcast but i cant find it anywhere

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I donā€™t think ā€œteaserā€ is a brand name. I think he meant teaser as in ā€˜teaser-rateā€™, a low introductory rate, offered by many providers.

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@fuzzbutt is correct. Teaser is not the name of the cell phone company. Clark was only teasing the low-cost of $5/month for everyone (giving you a pricing hint of the new phone plan heā€™s testing). Once he has done adequate testing to see if he likes it or not, he will let everyone know what it is. :green_heart:

Canā€™t remember the name of the Company, but Clark named it on a show about 4 weeks ago.