Blocking Electronic Access for SS#

After reading the National Public Data Breach post on 9/12 my mother was going to block her Social Security number. The following question came up but we wondered if you or others can answer her questions:

The person she talked to at SSA told her that all electronic access will be blocked including her SS internet account. Therefore if her account is paperless and she is receiving email then she first has to change back to paper mail in order to receive COLA and Social Security Statements. after she puts on the block. Question: Is this true?

She was also told she WOULD be able to call SSA, AFTER the block, and change her checking account number (as she is thinking of changing banks) and other information via phone. However it clearly states on the SSA site:

“Once requested, any automated telephone and electronic access to your Social Security record is blocked. No one, including you, will be able to see or change your personal information on the Internet or through our automated telephone service.

What do they mean by automated phone? Perhaps if you talk with an agent it is a different thing?

If my mother gets through to an agent via the SSA phone number will she be able to make changes in the future without having to go to the local SSA Office to unblock?

It seems to me she best change her checking account number prior to blocking. Are there other things a consumer wanting to block SS access needs to know before initiating the block?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Data Breach on today’s Clark podcast