I’m unconvinced. There are companies that handle payments, medical records etc. Most health care providers use electronic medical records from companies like Epic and McKesson. These companies are regulated and if something goes wrong you have recourse. With crypto and blockchain you have nothing. There’s nothing terrifying about the way we are doing things. That’s some hyperbole. And no one is using clipboards and faxes in 2023.
So the way it will work out is Epic and McKesson and HCA and Aetna and CIGNA and etc… will refresh their technology stacks and change to the new infrastructure. That’s how it always happens. No one is using 1980s IBM PCs anymore.
No one is using 1980s IBM PCs anymore?
How about 1990’s. I have a customer using an old system with Windows 95. I personallyu don’t have hardware from the 1980’s but do have Windows 2.0 floppy disks. I also have an AOL Online install disk (handed out on a American Airlines flight as a promo).
As for other comments, I would STILL have my MotorCity/Geocities account if they had not shut it down. Luckily some site images remain: https://geocities.restorativland.org/
And now for your troubles, you got to declare that on your tax form which puts you on the fed’s radar concerning that investment,
When crypto becomes a stable form of payment I may be interested. The problem is that many people see it more as an investment, which I find hilarious. I’m fascinated and entertained as I watch our 30-something sons ride the crypto roller coaster. It’s WAY too volatile for my taste.
My big question is - when someone sells this “better money”, do they sell if for ages old cash?"
A friend of mine told me he had a $10,000 dog for sale. I asked him how he came up with the $10K price tag. He answered “that was easy!.. I traded two $5,000 cats for him!” …
This debate will be over when the Federal Reserve Bank uses blockchain technology to put money out into the economic system… When IRS or Social Security sends payments in this manner.
The original element was to pay geeks to rape us in order to get the technology up to speed. But now there are more user friendly interfaces. In my first transaction, I lost 3% every step of the way. Putting in dollars, converting them to bitcoin, converting them back out of bitcoin, and then withdrawing them. Each step had cost 3%. The total was 12%. I vowed never to let that happen again.
This is where I’m at now. I do believe that the technology behind Crypto does have value and could be useful in the future.
However, I don’t blame ANYBODY for having a negative view on it as of this moment due to it basically being a giant “greater fool” scheme for most people from 2020-2022. If the technology died today, it would basically be the digital equivalent of the Beanie Baby fad from the 1990s.