Are We Nearing the EV Tipping Point?

Ford does another Lightning cut shifts workers to Bronco and Ranger ICE/Hybrids where the demand is.

The only reason car companies bought into this was because Biden and Buttepeg paid for them to do it. Hybrid vehicles were the perfect solution—a combination of gas and electric vehicles. You have to love the tax credits that only help middle-class people. Lower class people could never afford an electric car!!!

As I said in an earlier post:
I think Ford will continue to have problems moving their F-150 Lightning BEV.

In our country, the pickup truck has become as much a symbol of masculinity and political statement as it is a useful utilitarian tool to transport heavy and bulky payloads. Why else would an office-bound city slicker pay $100,000 for one? The big three have made a lot of money selling these high-priced I’m-an-outdoor-kinda-guy symbols to a consumer group they had a significant role in creating.

The people that make up this truck-buying population are not what I would consider good candidates for buying a vehicle that is by design as an eco-friendly, save-the-planet, short-range, green version of a cowboy’s preferred transportation.

IOW… Ford made a mistake leading with Mustang and the Lightning, they would have been better off first electrifying one of their popular SUVs.

In addition to being the most break-down prone, complex and maintenance-requiring vehicles on the road, hybrid vehicles have just one little tiny problem: they have an internal combustion engine that turns fossil fuels into carbon dioxide! Which BTW is a major reason that car dealers are pushing them, the last thing they want on the road is a car that never enters their service department.

They LOVE hybrids!

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Not withstanding the soft under handed bigotry against people that make the country work, I have to agree that Ford failed to realize or ignored the fact that an ICE/Hybrid truck will best serve the most purposeful needs of that buyer.

If that comment is aimed at me you are missing the mark. I’ve owned five pickups in my life and used them mostly for backcountry traveling, hunting, fishing, camping, snow plowing, towing and hauling. I’m not the city-slicker type. The few years I lived in metro areas I used appropriate transportation and I think people who run around big cities in jacked-up pickups with over-sized tires are trying to make some kind of statement about themselves.

And the people of limited means who make the country work, are not the ones buying high-priced pickups and spending an additional $20K for making them a swaggering high-riser, it’s the city-slicker wanna-be cowboys that have money that are doing that.

As a BEV owner since 2015…I would never own a hybrid. Why would I want two motors in a car when one of them will be a maintenance heavy ICE ??


Opinion of a retired U.S. Army General

Sorry billinin… I stopped listening to the opinions of retired military generals with this guy. (strike 1.)

And besides that, your quoted Army General is a native Texan, (strike 2,) and was an advisor for failed candidate, and practicing sycophant, Ben Carson, (strike 3 - you’re out!) :slightly_smiling_face:

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I don’t see where Michael Flynn published an opinion on the link topic.

Anyway, I guess they’re called opinion pieces for a reason.

Additionally, the link was provided for the benefit of all participants of the forum without consideration as to what any particular self appointed forum “post reviewer” who’s general modus operandi seems to be launching a personal attack on the author of any source material they don’t agree with would think about it.

Keep trying… you’re helping bolster the case for BEV’s.

BTW: In terms of opinions, Clark Howard, on a recent podcast, said that he has driven EVs since 2012 and believes that BEVs are the car that is destined to be the personal transportation choice of most Americans.

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I don’t really know what that has to do with the discussion.

As I have said before above and in all threads related to BEVs…
Anyone that wants to own or use a BEV should be able to, anyone that doesn’t shouldn’t have to.

Now, notwithstanding personal attacks on source authors do you have any input on his concerns that in our rush to forced electrification we will be dependent upon an adversarial country, one who is communist at that for raw materials needed?

In the interest of getting back on track and in case anyone else here would like opine on the general’s concerns…

You are wrong again billinin, let’s stick to the facts.

You have made 53 posts in this thread and you didn’t even bring up the subject of the government forcing people to buy EVs until your post #18, and after that post you mentioned it only occasionally.

Many of your posts have their motivational roots in the misinformation provided by fossil-fuel big money interests. All it takes is a few clicks on a keyboard to reveal that aspect of your sources.

The move away from fossil-fuels as an energy source on this planet is happening. All the hoping and wishing otherwise will not change that fact. BEVs already do, and will continue to play a big part in that story.

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Lotsa people are working on it, here’s three examples:

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“My information good… your information bad.”

Enough of this nonsense

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Link did not work

Of course car dealers are worried! They’re gonna lose a ton of business in their biggest money-maker, their service department.

It’s a well-known fact that most new car dealers make more money maintaining and repairing cars than thy do selling them. They don’t want to lose money and they want to hang onto those cash-cow ice cars as long as they can. It’s the same reason the fossil-fuel guys are crying, they want to keep ridin their long-established profitable business model.

“So where does the majority of a dealership’s profit come from? It’s not from car sales, at least not directly. It’s from the service and parts department, which accounts for the other 49.6% of the dealership’s gross profits, according to NADA.”

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Which link?