$82 Hawaiian Airlines | Maui Visitors Needed Now Sale

Travel dates vary by route and include from September 4 to October 18.

No promo code is required and fares are valid one-way or round-trip.

Book soon as we don’t know how long these fares could last.

Travel on the following routes:

Los Angeles to Maui $82 each way. September 20 to October 18.
Seattle to Maui $94 each way. September 4 to October 18
Oakland to Maui $109. September 4 to October 18.
San Francisco to Maui $109. September 4 to October 18.
San Diego to Maui $109. September 4 to October 18.
San Jose to Maui $109. September 4 to October 18.
Portland to Maui $118. September 4 to October 18.

Other cities are higher. Fares are for basic economy in most cases.