Selling home and moving in with partner. Will have about $300,000. Would like to put this in a safe investment for the next 20 or so years. Also, what can I expect regarding capital gains tax?
You have a typo. Assuming you mean $300K. Was this your primary residence? What did you pay for it? You likely do not owe any capital gains tax. Google it.
It can be helpful if you could provide additional details. What is your age and the eventual purposes for the funds (any heirs)? Will all the money be placed in a taxable account- you are maximizing your retirement accounts and an HSA if eligible? Do you want no risk of loss of principle? Do you want to protect your money from inflation? Do you need high liquidity for some of the funds if unexpected financial events occur?
Try and diversify it to lessen the risk.
Might need to access the money within 10 years. Not employed so no retirement plan. Mainly want no risk of loss of principle and hopefully make some gains.