…by nat having kids.
I’m an example of this. I retired 17 years ago. When my co-workers asked “How can you do this?” my answer was simple: “Never married, no kids”.
Having kids is overrated. We had two. The both moved away, thankfully they moved to the same far-away city many of our other relatives are, so they will always have each other. I’m glad for them, but now that we’re alone here, I kind of wonder… what was the point of all that?
I have y’all beat. I saved almost $1 million dollars! I didn’t have 3 kids!
I could put a link to the Dr. Phil show where two sons moved back in and mooched off their parents for at least a decade and cost the parents over $1 million dollars over and above the cost to the parents to raise them. You know, what the heck, here is part of their story anyway.
I am thinking you got off pretty cheap.
There was a crime TV show where one of the sons found out his grandmother was gambling at a casino and had spent more than a million dollars of what he considered to be his inheritance so you can guess what happened to the grandmama.
You probably won’t be able to answer that question accurately until the last moments of your life.
Then the point of your life on earth should come into sharp focus.
In my opinion there’s a significant difference between the stuff you will accumulate and leave behind vs the people you touch and your living issue that remain here on earth when you die.
reading the comments to this article makes me sad. I have 11 children, 5 sons (3 warriors) 6 daughters, 14 grandchildren 6 ggc I think.
God is good. I worked my butt off, kept my expenses reasonable and have never been hungry.
Don’t read finance articles from yahoo. Pagan and degenerate. Have faith.
I guess my reply is tempered by no grandchildren (and possibly none coming) and the kids live in a place I could not possibly afford, and wouldn’t want to live there anyway really for many reasons.
I guess kids are a mixed blessing, or more accurately, a mixed bag of blessings, disappointments, opportunities and problems.
In addition to slaving $300,000 by not having any children we have slaved a massive amount of money by not tithing.
I knew that I was going to last in the marriage to my wife when she said two things to me.
First, she wanted to be sure that I didn’t want did not want to have children before we got married.
Second, She said that she believes that religion is the greatest fraud that has ever been committed.
That did it we’ve been married almost 60 years.
To each his own, but if each of my children cost me $300000, it was money well spent for me. They each have brought countless hours of joy to my life. Now, I also get to enjoy being a grammie which is double the joy.
I may not be wealthy or retired at 55, but we have been able to put enough aside that we should be able to keep our current lifestyle in retirement when we get there.
Everyone has their personal choices and as long as you enjoy your life then life is good.
let me know how much money you take with you.
If I check out before my wife she will not have to worry about money and vice versa.
After we are both gone all of our assets go to a pet shlter.
I like the idea of donating to a pet shelter, at least the money goes to good use and brings happiness to many.
First… let me state that I like pets and I like people.
But have you ever noticed that people who love animals seem to be less tolerant of people and that people who display a lot of sympathy for the poor starving humans of this world seem to have less sympathy for poor starving and neglected pets?
I’m not taking a position, I’m just sayin…