Every time I go to the Supermarket to buy food I feel like I’m being ripped off. I firmly believe there is price gouging going on. What do others here think?
Do you have any examples?
What is your comparative source for pricing?
Absolutely agree. I just don’t buy some things anymore because I refuse to be ripped off…I can do without many things even though I want them and it takes willpower but for me it’s worth it not to be scammed.
You are blaming the wrong people.
The grocery business is one of the most competitive businesses there is.
Your complaint should be aimed at the Inflation rate and the Government spending decisions that caused the inflation.
That you can change!
shop sales and stock up. I got chicken breast on sale at Publix for 3.12 a pound. Got chicken wings at 3.69 a pound.
While not specifically price gouging, I feel your pain.
Highest average price in AZ for milk, $2.46 but Hawaii $5.98.
Highest average price in NV for bread, $1.65 but Hawaii $5.98.
National average Regular gas price: $3.59
Lowest price, Mississippi $3.066
Third highest, Hawaii $4.683.
California and Washington state beat us by up to 30 cents a gallon.
Last night we went grocery shopping and the total was $256, more than usual. My husband looked at the receipt and saw $23.31 for a quarter of a small watermelon. Whole watermelons were on sale for $5. Turns out they used the wrong price when they put the barcode on our quarter piece. Customer service gave us a refund and the watermelon! I hope they correct the mistakes on other slices before other shoppers buy them.
I don’t purchase milk often, but when i do, it is from a local dairy, sold in glass bottles. Cost is about $5 per gallon (plus a $2 deposit on the bottle). While more expensive, the milk lasts weeks longer than not local milk sold in plastic or cardboard containers.
I don’t purchase gas often anymore…conbination of 44 gallon gas tank and not much mileage anymore. But late June I was on a road trip from Florida to Texas, low cost we encountered was just over $2 per gallon. Shockingly low to me. Last time i gassed up here in Az, it was closer to 5 than 4 per gallon, but i dont recall the specific price…if i kept the records like my engineer dad did, i could have given the exact price per gallon, mileage since last fillup, total cost, and much more…
We only have a few small dairys if any left.
Much of our milk comes from the mainland. According to the Hawaii Department of Agriculture, Hawaii’s milk herds had dwindled to just 800 cows out of a total of 144,000 head, including calves, as of January — part of a trend in the works for years.
From the dairy it gets Pasteurised, then shipped (literally by ship) to Hawaii warm. When it gets here it is Ultra-Pasteurised and sent to stores. Ultra-Pasteurised lasts lots longer than Pasteurised.