Social Security says it will restart clawing back 100% of overpayments to beneficiaries

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“I’m not going to touch Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid. Now, we’re going to get fraud out of there,” he said. “We have people 250 years old and all, you know, tremendous fraud,” he added, referring to a false claim that people who are beyond the human lifespan are receiving benefits." (from the linked story)

I just made a separate post about how your US House of Representatives does indeed want to “touch” Medicare, to the tune of a -2.8% reduction in payments to doctors.

“He” is not going to “touch” SS or Medicare.

He’s rooting out all the enormous fraud and waste to the benefit of us all.

The fraudsters are running scared.

And PLEASE don’t post links from CBS .“news” The American people have rejected those double standard pushing hypocrites to the ash can of history, just look at the ratings of the left wing “news” outlets.

Thank your lucky stars and be grateful.

The American Medical Association came out this morning about a proposed 2.8% cut to Medicare reimbursements. The AMA is composed of probably majority Republican voters (doctors, after all… like my Dad who was a doctor and a Republican). They lambasted the proposal. This would be the fifth year of back-to-back cuts to doctor medical payments in a row. Adjust for inflation, Medicare payments to doctors are down 33% since 2001.

You can’t run a medical practice, a private business, with reimbursement rates like that. What it will end up doing, and is doing, is depriving seniors of medical care, especially in rural areas.

There is a gigantic health crisis is rural areas, especially after COVID - doctors practices and hospitals are shutting down. Ironically and sadly… you know who these people in the country voted for. But you know what? No matter who they voted for, they deserve better.

If you are in a car crash or have a heart attack or stroke and you need an ambulance ride that takes you beyond the “Golden Hour” when trauma care is most effective… you could die. Pure and simple.

You’re not correct to say that the Administration isn’t cutting Medicare because they say they aren’t. They objectively are!

You don’t like CBS? Fine. How about the AMA? Here’s is there press release from today. And if you don’t like that one, please explain to us all then why you think the 283,000 doctor members of the AMA are just a giant Bidenesque leftist Communist cabal which should be side-stepped in order to reach our great shining future.

Actually, the press release is worse than I thought… the 2.8% cuts already went into effect on 1/1/2025. But if Congress does not act this week, they become permanent.

I don’t like waste / fraud / abuse any more than you do. But 2.8% across the board Medicare cuts to ALL doctors is not sniffing out waste, fraud, and abuse. It’s immoral and wrong.

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There is no ‘enormous fraud’… Well, except for the enormous government contracts Muskrat is getting.

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Keep drinking the kool aid

I think there is substantial Medicaid / Medicare fraud… but it’s on the PROVIDER side. There have been cases on the local news… a provider files a bunch of false claims for possibly real people who are in on the scam with them ("ok, let me file this false claim for you and you get 10% of the money for doing nothing), or legitimately stolen identities. and get paid for them.

Hammering on individual recipients doesn’t root out this kind of fraud.