Russian investments in two giant ETFs which you might own

Vanguard’s VWO Emerging Market ETF holds no Russian stocks. They used to, they divested. Also the Vanguard VEU ETF, which is all non-US stocks (developed and emerging) has no Russia.

iShare’s EEM Emerging Market ETF still holds Russian stocks.

I’m never buying EEM. Russia is just about like Nazi Germany, but with nukes. What they are doing to Ukraine is just like what the Nazis did to Poland in 1939, but obviously the armaments are more lethal.

I don’t think there is a good guy in this confrontation.

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From what little I can find, Ukraine’s leader was quite possibly the most corrupt leader in eastern or western Europe before this thing started. It seems he had a passion for poking the bear. I certainly am no expert, but when you know what kind of evil Putin is, you don’t go out of your way to aggravate him.

You might find this source enlightening:

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I owned ERUS, buying on dips because I thought Putin was bluffing about the invasion. Has now been delisted and I essentially lost all my money.

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So you you didn’t believe your own intel community?

For the longest while Russia had the cheapest stock market in the world, mainly because of the political risk. I can’t resist value stocks, but admit I erred in taking a minor position in that ETF.

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Yes a 1-2% position in ERUS wasn’t foolish. I was frustrated that I couldn’t invest in Russia without investing in China. I own 100 shares of EMXC which is nearly 100% of my IRA but is only 4% of my retirement portfolio. About 6% is in EFA.

I’d definitely prefer Chinese sanctions to Russian sanctions especially if China invaded Taiwan

Lol doesn’t believe that Russia is an invading scumbag foe? Ya how disgraceful this take is looking. Jfc.