Magazines subscriptions w/ my address

I am currently receiving about 6 different magazine subscriptions that do not belong to me. At first, it was just one magazine but now I am getting different magazines every other week. I think this is some type of scam but I cannot find any information on this. Anyone else have this problem?


You may want to check all your credit card accounts to see if there has been some unexplained small temporary charge or unusual activity. It could be that someone used your card with your name and address for trial subscriptions that turn into longer paid subscriptions.

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You don’t mention if they are in your name. If so, someone else may have signed you up as a prank. Just cancel them if you get a bill. I also agree to check for any credit card charges. If they are not in your name, then someone may have just made a mistake in the address when ordering. Again, just cancel them.

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