Legal services through a monthly fee

Has anyone ever used legal services where you pay a monthly fee through your job? I would pay about 18 dollars a month and would have legal services available to me when I need them. It’s to my understanding that it would pay for everything. I’m looking to get a Will together and I would rather do this rather than spend 100s of dollars on a lawyer.

I never utilized a monthly legal service subscription but since they are the pinnacle of fine print barons, they should have no problem you asking them what you get for $18/month IN WRITING.

If you can drop the legal services subscription any time you want then it is a possible go.

It may be one of those situations where most people will not need a lawyer so the money is all profit to the receivers. I’d be curious if they could look at real estate contract information too if you wanted to buy/sell a house or land, etc.

I had one for a while. I forget the name. I tried to use it when I got a traffic ticket and the lawyer couldn’t do any better than what the cop who wrote the ticket offered.

There are lots of non-profits like NPR and our local animal society who offer free wills.

I have Legal Shield available as a company benefit for about $14 per month. I have only used them for a few things:

  • Drafting a Medical Power of Attorney while my kids are away at college.
  • Reviewing a Lease Agreement.

Did you like using them?

It was acceptable service. I don’t really think that they would be useful for anything more than basic legal services.

In the claims business I delt with them from time to time.

Not impressed.

Given the number of times I’ve needed legal services in my life I never though this would be worth it. I’d rather put the $18 per month in a legal emergency fund if you’re concerned about it.

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I assume they will not do Services like Evictions or defense if a Tenant sues over a Security Deposit?