How to find a flexible work at home job

Hi, I am a business owner but I have fallen into substantial debt. My wife has gone back to work but we are still struggling. This summer, I am watching our kids while running the business from home. I would like to find a work from home job that would be flexible and which I can perform while working around all my other commitments. I would have some daytime hours available, and perhaps some late night hours. I don’t have any specific job skills like graphic designer, or IT so it would have to be something more general. Any suggestions would be appreciated and the whole universe of WFH jobs seems somewhat daunting. Thank you!

You want a work from home job where you can watch your kids AND continue with your other commitments to your business? Your request is completely unrealistic.

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Thanks for your help.

It is unfortunate that ‘no I.T.’ because there are quite a few good opportunities for working from home. They include creating websites, writing and/or testing software. You could also sell website hosting accounts or set up Voice over IP telephone services.

One website suggests the following:

Which career is best for work from home?
53 Best Work From Home Jobs

#1. Cloud Architecture. Annual pay: $87,000 - $181,000. ...
#2. Algorithm Engineering. Annual pay: $105,000 - $158,000. ...
#3. Clinical Psychology. ...
#4. Data Science. ...
#5. Business Development Management. ...
#6. Software Engineering. ...
#7. Product Management. ...
#8. Certified Public Accounting (CPA)

Companys like Amazon allow people to work from home; perhaps handling customer service calls?

We have an article on legitimate work-from-home jobs that may be helpful— specifically the section on how to find legitimate work-from-home jobs and tips for applying!

I also found a list that Indeed published in April with 100 of the best remote work companies in 2024 that may be worth checking out. I skimmed through the list and found a few job titles that could be a good fit with a business background:

  • Sales Manager
  • Assistant
  • Recruiter
  • Communications Specialist
  • Technical Writer
  • Creative Copywriter
  • Customer Support Manager
  • Human Resources
  • Accounting

Indeed also has a helpful article about how to search for remote work on Indeed to help you get started.

Outside of Indeed, FlexJobs and Upwork are also great job posting sites to check for remote work. Google’s “Jobs” tab also has a ton of remote positions to search through! You can just search “remote” without entering a specific job title or position at first and get ideas.

For flexibility, I’d recommend looking for jobs that are hiring for part-time or freelance positions. Some of these jobs may just require a certain amount of work per week with more flexibility for you to set your own schedule.