COSTCO vrs SAMS CLUB Gasoline - Is There a Difference?

Is one of the warehouse gasolines better than the other?


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Interestingā€¦! Thanks

Carbon deposits create hotspots that will cause erosion of spark plugs and exhaust valves. That shortens the useful life of those parts.

The damage will happen 19 times sooner with non-top-tier gas and the top-tier gas is the same or cheaper. What else do you need to know?

From Motley Foolā€™s site: ā€œI did a snapshot of gas prices across Atlanta, Georgia; Cherry Hill, New Jersey; Sacramento, California; Houston, Texas; and Springfield, Missouri. On the day I checked, gas prices at Samā€™s Club and Costco were the same at all locations, except in Cherry Hill, where Costcoā€™s fuel price was $0.08 cheaper per gallon than a comparable Samā€™s Club location.ā€

That sounds like a lotta work, Iā€™ll leave it others to figure that one out. Besides that, the nearest Samā€™s Club to me is three times the distance to two Costcoā€™s. I think Iā€™ll just keep going to Costco to fuel our ICE car, itā€™s only once a month or so. :nerd_face:

In my case, Costco is my ā€˜go toā€™ place. It is a lot cheaper than any other provider. Prior to COVID it may have been $1 a gallon cheaper that the next cheaper station. I wouldnā€™t have cared about Top Tier or not.

Currently, COSTCO has been closer to other stations, right now 20 cents a gallon cheaper than the next cheaper and 30 cents per gallon different from many other stations.

Keep in mind that all our fuel must be shipped to us. We have 1 crude oil refinery (Honolulu) which can process about 94,000 barrels of crude oil per calendar day. We donā€™t have many ā€˜genericā€™ gasoline stations such as Racetrack, Speedway, Circle K, Quick Trip, etc. Thus, most stations charge what the Big Name company (Shell, Texaco and Sonoco) wants them to.

Iā€™ve given up on Costco gas. No matter which car I put it in (Both Subaru) they ping terribly. I end up running some ethanol free gas for a couple of tankfulā€™s. Never have the problem at WAWA. My thought is that Costco turns their gas SO much that the sediment that is stirred up when filling the underground tanks never gets settled down and I end up sucking into my car. Remember, Clark does say never to fill up when you see the tanker there for that exact reason.

Pinging sounds like an octane issue. Are you using 87 octane from each station? It could also be a difference in blends (summer vrs winter). We donā€™t change that mixture here.

Here is an old thread about the Outbackā€¦ Pinging / Knocking | Subaru Outback Forums

Sams is closer to me but I make the drive (only about 10 minutes diff) to Costco since I heard about Top Tier. Donā€™t know if it makes a difference, but the price is about the same. Also, I can get my $1.50 hotdog and drink if I time it around lunch!! :money_mouth_face:

Itā€™s either an octane issue or a timing problem. It is possible that someone installed an after-market go-fast chip to get better performance. They usually mess with the ignition timing.