Need advice catching up on retirement savings at age 50

[my first post since the old site ended]

I know nothing about investments so I let Vanguard and TRowePrice do it for me. But to invest, you need funds and I learned about saving. Actually, my wife did.

I took a position in Taipei, and wife became friends with the Chinese in the apt bldg. She learned Chinese pay themselves FIRST! Before anything else. Get the pay check and X% goes into savings. If they don’t have much left before payday, they eat bowls of rice.

As they become accustomed to paying themselves first, that X% savings goes from a start of 5% to 10%, 20%, 30%.

Wife began our Draconian budget while there, and came home to an even stricter budget. Annoyed at the beginning, then realized how much we had to invest!

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My Mom is from Taiwan, and I concur. This is the way to do it. We’re empty nesters, saving 30%, house paid, cars paid, no college debt anywhere, no credit card or medical debt, retirement portfolio doing well, retirement approaching.

Exactly! Everything I have today is because of wife’s savings plan she learned in Taiwan.

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