Let me help you put the numbers involving the lower 99% in perspective:
As of late 2022, according to Snopes, 735 billionaires collectively possessed more wealth than the bottom half of U.S. households ($4.5 trillion and $4.1 trillion respectively). The top 1% held a total of $43.45 trillion .
So what? Some people manage money extremely well, some extremely poorly. Some people are visionaries and can create popular things that never existed. Most of us cannot.
But other than that, if your problem is wealth inequality, blame suppression of interest rates and government deficit spending. Smart people buy investment assets with cheap lending rates and thereby multiply their wealth. Dumb people use cheap lending to load up on depreciating consumer assets.
Perhaps you could enumerate the ones that you are most envious of, since the rest of us are clueless about what these supposed tax breaks for the rich are. Could they be:
The limitations on their medical deductions?
The limitless top on their Medicare taxes?
The limits on their real estate losses?
The annual limits on deductibility of investment losses?
“Paleolibertarian and anarcho-captialist movements…” I have been a member and attendee at Mises for a long time and have never met one of those in my 69 years of life. Wonder who writes such claptrap at Wikipedia? Think they might have a bias?
By the way, what in the article you did not read was not accurate?
Tax increases always reduce income. Every single time except for the middle class that cannot escape them. Why do US companies have trillions overseas? Because it’s smart. Plus, and I’m going to say it yet again, corporations needing to pay their fare share is communism / progressivism bull$$$$. Corporations do not pay taxes. They pass it on to their customers. I run my own corp (very small). I actively manage my accounts to avoid paying corporate taxes.
As for balancing the budget, we got way too many cooks in the kitchen (see my list above). Start with deleting the Department of Education, simply the tax code and delete the IRS, BATF gone…
Folks, the fact of the matter is overspending by governments inevitably leads to war. Hold who you voted for to spending issues. Not a reduction in growth, actual spending reduction.
I cited Wikipedia. But according to a peer-reviewed Oct. 2023 study “Fact-checking the Fact-checkers,” by a Harvard-based group, the chances that Snopes is not factual is 1 in 749.
and well… anyway, is there anything substantive to your comments? We have out of control federal spending with no oversight, nothing can get reduced and your comment introduces hitler. Might want to do a sanity check.