Hawaiian Air Purchased by Alaska Air

The two airlines agreed to merge.

" Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines to Combine, Expanding Benefits and Choice for Travelers Throughout Hawai‘i and the West Coast"

Does this mean you will come back to the mainland more often? :grinning:

Maybe but why? :slight_smile: I woudl ahve to find someone to take care of the dog and weed whack the farms. Weeds and grass grow very quickly here and I have lost crops due to that. I can only move the tractor between farms via the highway, so I will limit the possibility of tickets.

Experts out here suggest that the merger of the two airlins may go through without too many issues. It appears that there are only a handful of duplicate city pairs and there is no plans for either airline to stop flying them, thus no exclusitivity.

Also, someone said many of the routes are not shared with other airlines (but I don’t know that one way or the other).

I am sorry that the voucher system we used to have no longer exists. There were little kiosks in shopping malls that sold a voucher at a great discount. You took that voucher to the airport and flew standby, using unused seats. You didn’t know if you were flying until they shut the door, but even waiting a few hours/flights between islands, it was worth the savings to stay at the airport and wait.

As an airline employee, I did that for almost 20 years. Got stuck in lots of cities, Addis Abba, Nairobi, Lisbon, Richmond, and many others. The old saying, “The trip is the adventure” is true for airline employees flying non-rev. Slept in a lot of airports.