Clark stinks! please do a savings advantage for Lowe’s

I love Clark Howard, but I won’t shop at Home Depot due to the political affiliation with Donald Trump. Can you please run the best tips and savings at Lowe’s as a counter balance? Lowe’s has some really good discounts.

Oh my…the replies ought to be fun…

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Maybe HD is trying to balance one affinity, military veterans, with another, polar opposite one. :slightly_smiling_face:

Both give a 10% military discount. Both have had program changes a bit in the last ten-ish years, and I’m not really sure if there is any difference. At one point, a veteran’s discount was available on several specific holidays per year for any veteran, but I think they’ve both rolled that into the military discount which applies to active duty, reservists, retirees, and their family members, and is available every day. Certain items for both stores are excluded. The Home Depots near me have veteran parking spots. I haven’t seen them at Lowe’s.

“I love Clark Howard, but I won’t shop at Home Depot due to the political affiliation with Donald Trump.”

I thought political views weren’t allowed on this finance website, or does it depend on who is being smeared ? (President Trump). Me thinks if it was anti “president” biden it would get flagged.

Everyone else who has posted has tried to turn it away from a political discussion.

Move to NY or CA , since the HDs there are full of your ‘friends,’ and then laugh and giggle over the political prosecution of your neighbors while all your rational neighbors leave the state!