Car rental checklist

Re: checklist of things to check when picking up a rental car. Along with the pre-departure inspection for pre-existing damage, verify the license plate. I failed to do this and at some point they issued a car with the wrong license plate. Of course there were 2 days of expensive toll charges that someone had run up in a different state with a different vehicle. It was pure chance that I detected the wrong plate since I had a photo of the car. After a long session with customer service to explain this, they finally issued a $50 coupon, good for a year. But the coupon was worthless: can’t be combined with any other offer, and even the Costco discount was worth more than the coupon.

I take photos of all four sides plus closeups of any dings or scratches when I pick up and drop off a rental car. It’s saved me money more than once.


Take a picture of the fuel level when you pick-up the car, and when you drop it off. Save your gasoline receipts. A rental company falsely accused me of not filling the car up upon return. I (figuratively) shoved the receipt down their throat.

I had a rental one time that should have had 2 registration tags (front and rear), but only had the rear tag. A state trooper came up behind me, then passed and pulled in front of me and slowed so I would pass the trooper. Yes, the next move was to pull me over. I did not get a ticket.
It seems the rental agency was registering one car and placing the tags on two cars. The trooper explained to me they were investigating this scam and would be filing charges against the rental agency.