I have a Charles Schwab Roth contributory IRA and I am curious if I can change it over to a Target date fund. If that is not an option, what other options are available?
I opened this account over 10 years ago. I opened it with $500 and today it is at $508. It makes me laugh, because it is my fault. I am in need of investing education and if you have a link or book to recommend, please share it.
On a good note, I have a Fid investing account from a previous employee and it is doing good. *New question coming soon about this one also.
I will reach out to Charles Schwab next week and see what options I have.
This isn’t really an answer to your question but if you already have a fidelity account with a previous employer why not have your IRA with Fidelity also. I have always found Fidelity to be very helpful compared to Vanguard but have no experience with Schwab.
Here are some videos and book recommendation. The videos are on YouTube and to find them use the bracketed search terms .
”Bogleheads investment philosophy” from 14 years ago. One update: whenever the term mutual funds is used think of either exchange traded funds or mutual funds.
“Video: Bogleheads investment philosophy. The same presenter from 4 years ago but I suggest starting with the original presentation.
3)“Bogleheads university 101”. These are more advanced presentations done by different individuals.
The following books are all very good introductory investing books.
“The Ages of the Investor, a critical look at life-cycle investing” William Bernstein. If you are a Millennial, another to consider by the same author is “If you can: how Millennials can get rich slowly”
“The Only Investment Guide You’ll Ever Need”, Andrew Tobias
“The Elements of Investing”, Burton Malkiel & Charles Ellis
“The New Coffeehouse Investor”, Bill Schultheis